Saturday, December 31, 2011

Emperor Still Minus Clothing.

David Dickson wrote the following here.
"“Occupy” also made the [banished words] list, due to the Occupy Wall Street movement, which has sprouted up copycat groups nationwide, from Occupy Oakland to Occupy Ann Arbor." - my edit for clarity
No.  This is simply Bullshit.  "Occupy" may have made the list, but only an idiot or ideologue would state the rest.  There are no copycat groups. Occupy is a single movement of many people with some disparate goals, but an overall need to make the voice of Everyman/Everywoman as resonant as that of the wealthy.  That it has manifested nearly everywhere is due in part to lazy, sloppy, and biased reporting currently on offer.  In fact, I'd say that over time the so-called reporting inside articles such as the one above, has in no small way, added to the disparity as concerns income and to the faux claim of equal opportunity for all.  A claim that's for a long time now, been camouflage for the behind the scenes machinations of the powerful and their sycophant "news" organizations who make claims to be consumed by people who are so used to being marketed to, that they can no longer distinguish between fact and assertion.

Off that topic - slightly:

Opportunity still exists, but the powers that be have quietly erected barriers to entry so high, that the average person, even one with an advanced education, will find it more than just difficult to assault.  It's easier if you're tall, attractive and deep voiced - not to mention well-connected and very lucky.  But it's a lot more complex than just working hard or being lucky.  For instance, if you want to open a McDonalds franchise you will need to be in possession of over a million dollars of non-leveraged (unmortgaged) property in liquid form (cash, bonds, other securities) or don't bother.  Much the same is true of other non-franchise enterprises, but at least there you can borrow (from relatives - banks will laugh at you).  Thus taking your family down with you if you're underfunded for cash-flow emergencies (and almost everyone is - except those from wealthy families).

David then goes on to state:
"But the word and the movement’s message has been co-opted by the very corporate interests the Occupy movement stands against. "    
Another stinking pile.  Who equates Jay-Z's t-shirts with the Occupy movement other than a single lazy and sloppy reporter who makes sweeping unsupported statements such as the one above?  He's probably hoping to bullshit the easily bullshat citizenry still waiting to see clothes suddenly appear on the naked emperor.


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