Friday, December 30, 2011

Look, don't burn the goddamned flag!  I don't care how passionate a person is, committing some acts or using some language does more damage to your cause than any outsider possibly could.  You want the American public to embrace your movement?  Don't do or say anything that will cause the average Joe to think you're just another punk-ass, spoiled brat, ungrateful, parasite who is bound and determined to get someone else to pay/take responsibility.

Burning the US flag is not free speech.  It's stupid.  Using Communist or Socialist terminology or jargon such as "the peoples whatever," is equally stupid.  The Average American does not pay all that much attention in history or civics class.  Most just want to put in their time, graduate, drink beer and have sex.  They're not the least bit interested in politics or deductive logic.  Most, in fact, are much more likely to be interested in the existence of ghosts or zombies than any evidence that it's not possible for such things to exist.

They are, though, very susceptible to the claims of demagogues.  People who play on their emotions rather than presenting  cogent logical arguments supporting one abstract position or another.  So, when you behave in ways that allow the demagogues to say "see, I told you they were un-American," all you're doing is making the demagogues' lives easier and yours harder.  I don't care how good it feels to burn or damage some symbol, don't burn the fucking flag, moron!  it's stupid!


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